Kettering Leadership Academy Frequently Asked QuestionsKLA Logo

What is the Leadership Academy?
It is a nine-month program designed for citizens to learn about every major aspect of community life through presentations, discussions and direct experience.
Who is eligible to apply?
Any adult who lives or works in Kettering and is interested in learning about community life and then becoming a community leader.
How are participants selected?
The Leadership Academy Board selects participants based on their own merit including leadership potential and demonstrated commitment to the community.
What is the maximum number of participants in a class?
Class size is limited to 14 participants.
Do I need a sponsorship?
You may need sponsorship from your employer or another sponsoring organization to allow time off from your workplace and for the $800 program fee.
When is the Leadership Academy held?
Classes meet the second Thursday of every month, October through May, excluding December. There is also a two-day retreat in September. Each class starts at 8 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m.
When should I apply to be considered for the next program?
We accept applications beginning in March and ending in June. Interviews are typically conducted in late July to early August.
What subjects are covered during the program?
Each class covers a different area and includes:
kla gov
Kettering Leadership Academy attending the government session
• Local Government
• Non- profit Organizations and Community Service
• Healthcare
• Education
• Public Safety
• Community Resources and Kettering History
• Business Community
What is a typical class day like?
A typical class covers a selected area and includes:
• Overview by experts in the field
• Opportunity to experience one or more aspects of that month’s topic
• Casual conversation with community leaders
• A leadership exercise based on the current class topic
What is expected from the participants?
Participants are expected to:
• Attend a mandatory two-day retreat
• Attend at least six of the seven classes
• Participate in small class teams
• Gather information, develop solutions and present them to the class
• Complete a community-related class project
• Conduct assignment work and activities outside of normal class times
Are there other activities?
Yes there are:
• Board meeting attendance (City of Kettering Council or subcommittee, Board of Education, not-for-profit/service organization)
• Observation shift in a police cruiser
• Reading assignments
Who speaks at the classes?
A variety of Kettering community leaders representing government, business, church and service agencies will speak and share their experiences at the classes.
Who do I contact for more information?
You can contact the Volunteer Office for information. Please select the link below.
Select this link for contact and KLA information
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