Archives: FAQs

What is the Wellness Committee?

The Wellness Committee is a group of employees that will represent individual department interests in the program, represent the work force, help to steer the program and award the Employee-of-the-Month.  All departments are represented.  If you are interested in serving on the committee, email

Who is eligible for the program?

All Full-Time City of Kettering Employees are eligible to participate in the Employee Wellness Program. Select screenings are made available to part-time and seasonal employees. Refer to the Employee Wellness Program Guidelines.

Is my personal health information, as obtained from screenings, kept confidential?

Yes.  Due to the “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act” (HIPAA), Kettering Health Network (who we use for screenings) is legally bound to confidentiality with any personal information obtained from any screening.  Additionally, the City is not seeking information regarding individual health levels but rather aggregate information representing the overall workforce.

How do I register for this program?

You don’t need to register to participate in the Wellness Program! You do need to log into your account with Wellworks, where you will track and submit Activity Minutes and Non-Activity Points. Here are the Wellworks Login Instructions.

How do I receive a Free Fitness Pass?

Employees who complete the biometric screening/Physician Results Form will receive a free annual combination pass to the Kettering Recreation Complex and the Kettering Fitness & Wellness Center.

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