Archives: FAQs

How do I sign up for trash service?

The City of Kettering has a single hauler trash program and is currently under contract with Rumpke Waste & Recycling.  Residents should contact Rumpke directly at 1-800-828-8171 to establish trash collection service.

How do I pay my Rumpke bill?

All billing for residential trash and recycling is administered directly through Rumpke.  Please call Rumpke directly at 1-800-828-8171 or visit

I am a Kettering Resident, what is the Resident Mulch & Compost Program?

Each fall, we pick-up the leaves residents rake to their curbside. The collected leaves are taken to our “leaf farm” where the material is processed and made into leaf compost. In the Spring, when the leaves have formed a rich compost, it is made available to the residents of Kettering for free! For more information on … Continued

How do I dispose of yard debris items that are not accepted?

There are several ways to dispose of unaccepted yard debris: Montgomery County Solid Waste District may accept some of these materials. Please call (937) 225-4999 for more information. Rumpke will service yard wasted with your regular trash collection on your service day.  Please call 1-800-828-8171 for more information.

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