How do I see the Property Maintenance Code?
2019 New Property Maintenance Code (complete)
2019 New Property Maintenance Code (complete)
Rental properties must adhere to the same codes and standards as any other property in the City of Kettering. Rental properties located within the City of Kettering must be registered with Montgomery County through the County Auditor’s Office in downtown Dayton. To obtain registration forms or for further information, contact the Auditor’s Office at 937-225-4326 or … Continued
If there are property maintenance violations at a vacant property, the City will go through the regular notification process whereby the legal owner is provided notice of the violation and given a date where compliance must be reached.
Yes. The regulations can be found in Section 1145.13 of the Kettering Zoning Code. Recreational vehicles may be parked on residential property under the following conditions: Vehicles greater than 8 feet in height must be stored inside of a building. Vehicles less than 8 feet : Only in rear or side yards. Taller than 6′ … Continued
Code inspectors may enter privately-owned property when the owner gives their consent. An inspector may also conduct an inspection from a location where they are legally entitled to be such as the adjacent public sidewalk, streets and alleys. An inspector may enter onto private property to deliver notices or orders in connection to the enforcement … Continued
Anyone who has received a notice of violation has the option to appeal that decision. The City has a Property Maintenance Appeals Board who will hear their case and decide if the argument presented is valid.
The City tries to be flexible and work with people who are making a good faith attempt at addressing violations. On a case-by-case basis, compliance deadlines may be extended to accommodate those trying to address the violations. If a property owner fails to address the violations within the given timeframe, the owner will be prosecuted.
Each circumstance is different. When a notice of violation is issued, it must include a compliance deadline. If compliance is not achieved by that time, the inspector may take the next step, which may involve prosecution through the municipal court system.
Online: Share a Property Maintenance Concern Or by Phone: The City maintains a Property Maintenance Hotline that is accessible 24 hours every day. The phone number for this hotline is 1-937-296-3286. During regular office hours, you can contact the Planning & Development Department at 1-937-296-2441.