2021 CHIP Application Plan (HOME) 2021-2025 Consolidated Plan and 2021 CDBG Program
10:00am - 12:00pm
The City of Kettering will hold its first public meeting on the draft needs, priorities and strategies identified in the proposed City of Kettering 2021-2025 Consolidated Plan on Friday May 21st at 10:00 am. Please register at https://www.publicinput.com/KETTMEET0521 to attend the meeting, complete the updated needs survey and/ or to see or interact with the live stream of the meeting.
The City of Kettering’s application to the Ohio Development Services Agency for the CHIP (HOME) program will allow the City to apply for funding for homebuyer assistance, comprehensive single family owner occupied rehabilitation, and two new single family homes – all benefiting low to moderate income persons. The funding application limit is $250,000.00.
The Consolidated Plan serves as the City’s framework to establish a comprehensive vision and strategy for housing and community development utilizing Community Developoment Block Grant Funds (CDBG). Additionally, this public meeting will address the commencement of the 2021 Program Year of the CDBG program of the City of Kettering. The proposed CDBG budget will be approximately $557,907 with an estimated $400,000 in unspent prior year funding for a total budget of $957,907.
The City of Kettering will provide assistance to persons with disabilities needing interpreters or other auxiliary aids and services in order to participate in this meeting. Any requests for such assistance must be made no later than 72 hours in advance of the meeting, by contacting Angela Brown, Community Development Manager (937) 296-2524. Further, persons with disabilities can reserve an in-person socially-distanced seat by calling Katherine Haynes at 937-296-3020.